Under the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation, the Connecting to Collection Care (C2CC) resource continues to build on the great work Heritage Preservation began, with the support of the Institute for Museum and Library Services. These webinars really get to the heart of everyday museum practice. For example, I can’t remember a previous collection care resource addressing the balance of seasonal/programatic decorations with preservation, as was presented in their last webinar “Seasonal Affective Disorder: Caring for Collections during Seasonal Special Events.” The content is great for a range of professionals. They are great courses for refreshing your knowledge, getting introduced to a new topic, and all around good food for thought. There are even SAD light reviews which has shown to help people suffering from SAD. For example, while I’ve worked with a wide assortment of collections, I recently sat in on the taxidermy-focused webinar given by Eugenie Milroy of AM Art Conservation and George Dante, Wildlife Preservations as my taxidermy experience is limited.
All C2CC webinars are available at no cost. Previous webinars are archived at the website. The Connecting to Collections Care webinar offerings for Winter/Spring 2016 are as follows:
“A Conservation Primer: Caring for Historic Furniture” January 14, 2016 2 – 3:30 pm ET
“Re-Framing the Problem: Caring for Framed Objects in Small Institutions (aka: On a Budget)” February 9, 2016 2 – 3:30 pm ET
“Much Ado About Mannequins: Making the Perfect Form” March 8, 2016 2 – 3:30 pm ET
“Artifacts in Archives Collections” April 7, 2016 2 – 3:30 pm ET
“Arsenic and Old Lace: Controlling Hazardous Collection Materials” May 3, 2016 1:30 – 3 pm ET
Register at http://www.connectingtocollections.org