Gaining Buy-in for an Institutional Preparedness Effort
American Institute for Conservation Emergency Preparedness Workshop
September 14 and 21, 2021
I'll be sharing ideas to help you develop your vision, change management, persuasion, and situational leadership skills around cultural institution emergency preparedness. This program is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
September 22, 2021
I'll be speaking about overall preservation and risk management frameworks at a virtual conference in partnership with colleagues from the National Fire Protection Association Technical Committee 909 and the Vigili Del Fuoco (Italian National Fire Department).
Association for Registrars and Collection Specialists Emergency Preparedness Workshop
November 2, 2021
I'm back again, talking about how to light a fire under your preparedness effort and how to create a training program to build confidence and keep the momentum flowing.
NYC Emergency Management Lecture
June 18, 2020
RL Fifield presented "Let's Get Planning: Gaining Resiliency and Emergency Planning Buy-in Across your Organization"Â for NYC Emergency Management's Partners in Preparedness program.
Centering Value in Collection Care
May 14, 2019
Tools, techniques, and tactics, including rational scaling strategies such as risk assessment, are all valuable recognized aids to achieving our goals. But are our goals set in the best possible ways for meeting the needs of our institutions and the societies they serve? This workshop encourages participants to center value instead of activities in cultural heritage work. Team taught with R. Robert Waller and Jane Henderson.