
My writing is welded to place. The places that mold us, the miles we travel, the spaces in which we drown. My work has been featured in or is forthcoming in Hotch Potch, The Ignatian, Brushfire, Cobalt Weekly, Caveat Lector, and Blue Lake Review.
I write about road trips. Philadelphia. Rage. Dried-up tourist attractions, 24-hour layovers, cities, both too precious and not, railroads, abandoned roads, tangled neurons. The Roseland Ballroom. Traveling alone . Prigg v. Pennsylvania.
Recent short works:
"Permanence" in The Cobalt Weekly (December 8, 2021).
"Mother Vs. The Mirror Ball" in The Ignatian Literary Magazine. Vol. 33 (2021).
"Running Goals" in The Brushfire Literature & Arts Journal. Ed. 73, Vol. 2 (May 21, 2021).
"Raptor" in Caveat Lector. Vol. 31, No. 2 (Spring 2021).
"Whip-poor-will" in Blue Lake Review (February 2020).
All photos: RL Fifield. Lincoln Highway, 2005.