The cracker that didn’t crack – still, it made for good times and great photos. At Havre de Grace, where the Susquehanna turns into the Chesapeake. Photo: r25 Productions.
Dr. V. and I are headed to Chicago to see friends Jeremy W. and Tina S. for the weekend. You might know that this dynamic duo were the photographers for our wedding back in March and were the instigators of such things as jumping off the stoop of our wedding venue in Kate Spade heels and the heart-shaped balloon cracker debacle. I’m psyched to see them, meet Tallulah and Zoe, (canine and feline family members) and see their Chicago (Jeremy’s and Tina’s that is, not a favorite patch of grass by the El).

RL Fifield 2008.
I love Chicago. I had some work there in October of 2008. It’s a naturally photogenic town that loves their architecture. When I look at my photos from that trip, it just seems that Chicago really works it for the camera, and its easy to come away with good material. Something about still having elevated train service gives it a boomtown feeling, and I feel like I’m still in the 1920s while I’m there. Bring on the cloche and t-strap pumps.
A fantastic resource for seeing Chicago is the Chicago Architecture Foundation’s boat and walking tours. The boat tour had a fantastic tour guide and you got the see the city from its original front door – the river.

Parking garage, visible from the Chicago Architecture Foundation’s boat tour. RL Fifield 2008.