Yesterday morning, I took advantage of Mr. V’s need for extra zzzs to get some early morning errands done. The Upper East Side has always been a bit barren when it comes to farmers markets. I’m fortunate that the very small one is located just a few blocks from my house on 82nd street at St. Stephen of Hungary church.
It was around 7:45 am. I love the city at this hour, when it belongs to runners, workers, and dog walkers. The farmers market vendors were just finishing getting set up. I spent around $20 and got a dozen eggs, a box of incredible tomatoes (zebra green, some stripey red, some yellow), a beet, potatoes, zucchini, corn, cilantro, cucumbers, and a green pepper. Summer salads coming my way.
I had stopped by Orwasher’s earlier for their excellent iced coffee and a loaf of their white bread – like no white bread I grew up with. I usually would buy something more creative, but I had tomato sandwiches in mind. So here’s my breakfast: tomato sandwich with mayo, salt, and pepper.
Tomato sandwich – mayo, salt and pepper. Bread by Orwashers – on 78th street between 1st and 2nd since 1910. The cutting board is also neat – recycled plastic with by-products from linen production in the plastic: Architec EcoSmart Polyflax cutting board.